Onboarding and Induction

From the moment you are appointed you become part of The Brickfields Trust’s family.

Our informative Welcome Pack, opportunities to meet your colleagues before you start and regular contact will ensure that you already feel part of the team before your first day. You shall meet members of the senior leadership team to learn more about the Trust, our ambitions and key documents will be shared with you in advance such as Safeguarding and Health & Safety procedures and a use friendly Staff Handbook.

Each staff member receives a personalised induction plan to enable you to get the support you need to quickly understand your role and its context within the organisation. It will ensure you have time to undertake essential training and to meet with those key contacts who will support you.

You will be allocated an Induction Mentor who will undertake your induction review meetings, plus a ‘buddy’ with whom you can ask those day-to-day questions or just check in regularly.

The induction process supports you across the first two terms to ensure you are able to be successful in your role and that your development needs are met. Each term there will be an induction review meeting to review your training and to discuss any further development needs.

When you arrive your Induction Mentor will show you around the building and show you how to use essential equipment, such as the photocopier and kitchen facilities!

The Trust has a published Probation Procedure, which shall be shared with you, and you shall be given access to our HR policies. Please take the time to look at each area in the Staff Hub section of the Brickfields Trust website which outlines benefits and support available to you as an employee.