Staff wellbeing
At The Brickfields Trust we take staff wellbeing very seriously. We know that it is great people who are critical to enabling us to succeed in improving the lives and outcomes for our young people.
The Trust subscribes to Education Support to provide a comprehensive wellbeing employee support package for every employee. When you call their team, you’ll talk to a qualified counsellor and offer you immediate, confidential emotional support. In addition to counselling, all school staff can access a range of emotional and practical support including:
A range of counselling options including telephone, online or face-to-face sessions, and a mindfulness module;
A dedicated coaching service for line managers, aimed at developing soft skills and building confidence for handling challenging situations;
Financial, legal and practical support from qualified professionals on a range of personal issues;
Access to online health and wellbeing resources and a specialist information service.
Helpline: 08000 562 561
Alongside offering a range of wellbeing support and benefits, each school includes staff wellbeing on their annual school improvement plan.
We know that to make the biggest impact on employee wellbeing we need to constantly consider how we reduce workload across our family of schools. Through common curriculums, schemes of work, continued automation of processes and centralising systems we are working to achieve this.
The Trust commissions an annual wellbeing survey in each school from which the results are analysed and form the basis of each schools’ Stress risk assessment and wellbeing action plan.
We believe that great management is key to ensuring all our employees are happy, supported and successful at work. Our Trust has HR advisors in their central team who can liaise directly with managers and employees regarding a range of HR and wellbeing issues. They also visit each school regularly and hold staff surgeries on site each half-term.
In addition, the Trust subscribes to an Occupational Health service to seek medical advice so to ensure that appropriate adjustments are made where necessary.
All staff have access to a range of HR and wellbeing policies enabled to support staff, e.g.
Health, Safety & Wellbeing policy
Mental Health & Wellbeing policy
Menopause policy
Equality & Diversity policy
Flexible Working Policy
Sickness Absence Management procedures.