Professional Development

Our commitment to nurturing the professional potential of each team member is integral to the success and advancement of our Trust.


We prioritise the continuous growth of our staff through annual Professional Management Reviews (PMRs) conducted by line managers. These reviews are not pay related and focus solely on development.


Performance Manage Reviews (PMRs)

Annual reviews take place for teachers in the autumn term and support staff in the spring term. Ongoing evaluation takes place and mid-year follow up sessions monitor progress to date and adjust plans as necessary, ensuring that any professional development efforts are effective and responsive to the staff and school’s needs.


Key features of PMRs:

We will ensure that staff are able to pursue professional development without adversely impacting on their own or other peoples’ workload.

Career Pathway for teaching staff

At The Brickfields Trust we know that high quality teaching makes the biggest difference to the achievement of our pupils and our teaching team are highly valued for the work that they do. We provide support and highly effective CPD for our team throughout their career outside of the PMR process.

The Career Pathway document outlines what teachers can expect from us as they progress through their career from recently qualified early Career teachers through to experienced teaching staff and leaders.


Teachers are able to select or apply for opportunities that they feel would enhance their professional development. The Career Pathway differs from the Career Stag Expectations which outlines the trust’s expectations for teaching staff.


Our aims

Offer for ALL teaching staff

National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)

Through our PMR process, we identify staff members keen to enhance their skills, advance their careers, and contribute to improving school outcomes. We encourage these individuals to apply for the National Professional Qualification (NPQ) programmes.


We promote both the specialist and leadership NPQs:




Early Career Teachers (ECTs)

The Trust is committed to ensuring that ECTs receive a 2 year package of training and support based on the early career framework (ECF). This is designed to help an ECT to build the skills and knowledge they need to feel confident and empowered in the classroom.

ECTs will receive the ECF training as part of their induction period which provides a bridge between initial teacher training (ITT) and their teaching career.

Each ECT is allocated a mentor who will:

An induction tutor will also be appointed within school who will assess the ECT against the Teachers’ Standards.


Regular progress reviews will take place with the tutor to enable professional discussions regarding progress and feedback.


Within the Trust we will ensure that all ECTs receive their entitlement of an additional 10% release time in their first year and 5% in the 2nd year.


Initial Teacher Training

At The Brickfields Trust, we support the wider Initial Teacher Training system. We don’t run a SCITT ourselves, but we host trainee teachers from a number of providers, and support our colleagues to be effective mentors for trainees. The training and development our colleagues receive as part of our universal offer of professional learning for teachers, and as part of our extended and external offers, help them to better understand the content and evidence which sits behind the ITT Core Content Framework. In addition to the regular training which they receive from their accredited ITT provider, and their regular development conversations with in-school mentors, trainee teachers are also able to access our in-school professional learning for teachers.

Applying for CPD

We really hope that as many colleagues as possible will engage with the full CPD offer from the Trust. To request any CPD opportunities in your school please contact your line manager.